Lifestyle: What The Act Of Letting Go Really Does To You and For You.
Happy New Year : New Year, Same Energy, New Goals + 13 Quotes To Live By In 2023.
Merry Christmas: Wonderful Tips On How To Stay Happy During The Festive Season.
Lifestyle: Reasons Why Protecting Your Energy And Aura Is Very Crucial.
Lifestyle: 5 Tips On Ways To Stay Happy And Healthy.
Life Lessons: Knowing When To Give The Gift Of Your Absence To Those That Don't Appreciate Your Presence.
Beauty Tips: How To Achieve A Brighter Smile At Home.
My Favorite Motivational Quotes On Living Your Best Life and Letting Nothing Hold You Back.
Lifestyle: New Year, New Beginnings, New You. What's Your New Year Resolution?
Lifestyle : How Well Do You Spend Your Time? How You Spend Your Time Is How You Spend Your Life.
How To Feng Shui Your Home: Learn How To Attract Positive Energy Into Your Home With These Tips.
Essential oils are one of my all-time favourite ways to increase positive energy in any space.
Love and Happiness Oil (Made By Me On Req) |
Home Decor
Decorate your home with things that make you happy. Wall decorations with cute sayings like “Live, Laugh, Love,” “Live Your Dream,” or other inspiring quotes add positive vibes to any room. Decorate your home using your favourite Colours. Colour is a powerful influencer, and the way we feel when we see a colour we dislike can affect us physically and emotionally, We may suddenly feel exhausted, anxious, or angry and have no idea what is causing this, but unbeknownst to you, it might be a colour in your surrounding that is triggering these feelings, you may have known you hated a colour but didn’t realize the colour was actually adding to your anxiety, this is something that also happened to me a while back that is why I have always loved the colour white as it represents (Pure, Bright, Protection, Healing, Positivity) and all my walls are painted in White.
Lifestyle: Never Stop Believing In The Beauty Of Your Dreams.
We live in a world where people are quick to let go of their dreams and aspiration either because someone did not believe in them enough or they saw someone doing better than them and they gave up. We live in dark times right now, the world is filled with naysayers, negative people, toxic energy, energy vampires, and Ill-Wishers who enjoy seeing others suffering and struggling- believe me I have come across people like this so I know exactly what I am talking about.
Lifestyle: Everything In Life Begins With An Idea.
A good idea becomes great when you let it out, many of us today are stuck with loads of ideas but unable to get it out and make it a reality, we are sometimes scared of our own thoughts and ideas, I always say if it is a good idea, let it out, set it free, let it fly and watch how it would glow.
Interior Styling: Simple Ways To Style Your Home And Create Beautiful Vibes Around You.
Lifestyle: Are You Doing What Makes You Happy and Feel Good Inside Out?
It has been a while since I blogged, I had to take a break from social media for a little bit to detox, once in a while I always recommend a detox from social media and apps because it can become overwhelming and distract you from what is important. Today I want to quickly discuss the importance of doing what makes you "Happy", this is something most of us take for granted, we often leave ourselves and feelings behind while doing everything for everyone else and we forget that to make others happy = we have to be happy.
Interior Decorating : DIY Projects Can Be Very Therapeutic.
Beauty and Lifestyle : A Few Things I Do Daily To Help Me Stay Sane During This Period.
Set Up A Motivational Work Space In Your Home And Sit There Few Hours A Day:
Meditation Is Key:
I know a lot of people enjoy Meditation, but after doing further research I realised that some people don't enjoy it, Some feel it's too long a process, some actually find it boring.
Here is what I think- At first when I started meditating I hated it. It took so long to finish, listening to the Guided Meditation got so boring I Stopped and tried other things. I then returned to the basic things I do like, Playing with my Crystals, Burning sage to get rid of negative energy around my surrounding and myself, I enjoy using my Cards and Dices but I still felt drawn to the idea of mastering the Act of Meditation, I tried it again and slowly started liking it, or maybe I liked the voice of the speaker in the Guided Meditation, It was so soothing he put me to sleep so quickly, Since then I have not stopped Meditating. Another good thing about it is this- there’s research suggesting that the practice of meditation may reduce:
Anxiety (Y'all can see I made it bold, this is something many of us struggle with daily especially during this period of Isolation).
Blood pressure
In a nutshell, it has many Mental and Physical Health Benefit, these are dark times and so much is going on in the world today, what better time to start than now?
Practice Daily meditation because the practice of staying present and mindful for a limited period of time can have numerous benefits for our mental and physical health, When we meditate, we can enhance our focus and decision-making and lessen our feelings of fear and stress.