Learning the art of Fall cocooning: How To Slow Down and Appreciate The Simplicity Of Life.

 What is life? Shouldn't life be so easy and simple? why do we spend time complicating it for ourselves and each other? Why can't we all just get along, and spread more love and less hate in the world? These are the kinds of questions I ask myself daily, and each day I come up with different answers and definitions of what I think or feel life should be or look like. To me, life is a song, a beautiful song that soothes the soul yet it tests us every single day.
Learning the art of Fall cocooning: How To Slow Down and Appreciate The Simplicity Of Life.
Spend time reading some of your favorite magical books this autumn 

How to tap into Fun Fall Aesthetics This Autumn Season.

Autumn is here and I am loving it!!!. Autumn emphasizes the notion of "Change," and by the word "Change" I mean new beginnings, a fresh start, a new environment, grounding, rejuvenation, retune, or whatever you choose to call it. personally, I have a stronger connection to this time of year, and I use it as an excuse to get out my pumpkins and decorate my home with dried herbs, spices, and other fall decor.
How to tap into Fun Fall Aesthetics This Autumn Season.

Easy Recipe : How to Make a Homemade Pumpkin Spiced Latte Cheesecake.

Hello October! please be good to us...
I adore Fall/Autumn, perhaps because of the pumpkins? maybe Halloween? Or perhaps it's just admiring how the landscape changes with the passing of the seasons. What better way to relax than by spending the evening at home with a well-deserved "cheesecake" that has been given a lovely "pumpkin spice flavour"?
How to Make a Homemade Pumpkin Latte Cheesecake.

Lifestyle: Tips On How To Live Your Best Life Starting Today.

When I started this post, I hadn't decided on a topic, as always I figured I'd just go with the flow of my fingers, like I always say "Trust the vibes you get because energy doesn't lie". Have you ever sat down alone and suddenly realized that there are countless reasons to be joyful and grateful? Unfortunately, many individuals in life deny themselves of these emotions by clinging to unimportant things and grudges. I often find it heartbreaking to witness this on a daily basis as a spiritual and holistic healer, therefore I make sure to constantly advise my loved ones and personal clients to let go of the things that prevent them from experiencing inner peace. -Stay with me on this and don't forget to share this post afterward because someone does need to read this.
Tips On How To Live Your Best Live Starting Today.

Lifestyle Tips On How To Make A Fresh Start In Life.

This is a topic I love to talk about, knowing when to hit the restart button on Life, some call it a "Factory Reset". In today's society, there is a widespread belief that happiness is the result of achievement. In order to appear successful in the eyes of others, people commonly focus their whole concentration on acquiring prestigious employment, investing in long hours, and achieving educational ambitions in the belief that doing so will ultimately provide them happiness and pleasure. An increasing body of positive psychology research refutes the notion that success comes first and pleasure follows, demonstrating that happiness actually fosters higher achievement and performance rather than the reverse.
Tips On How To Make A Fresh Start In Life.

Homemade Gluten-Free Chocolate Dipped Strawberries: An Easy Dessert Recipe.

 Happy new month LOBers!! lol "not me making up words" for my dear readers. I love anything (vegan/gluten-free/#nottoosugary/#nonfattening/#savemysummerbody) lol and the list goes on. 

I am sure you'd also like to wow all of your loved ones with the best and simplest treat especially during the holidays- something like (strawberries dipped in chocolate)! 

Trust me it's easy and all you need is fresh berries, melted chocolate, and some time to dip and chill them. I love this because Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries make a beautiful centerpiece for a special event, a classy addition to a dessert platter, or an attractive garnish for a tiered cake.
Chocolate dipped strawberries

The Importance of Healing : It's Crucial To Understand That 'We Repeat What We Don't Repair'.

First of all, let me start this post off but wishing you all a Happy and wonderful new month, it is my prayer that we all experience magical things this month, today's write-up is a sensitive one so please stick with me.

Have you ever heard the expression "Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop"? Well, this quote was the most accurate thing I've read recently. I'm slowly coming to understand that the things that hurt us actually offer doors to fresh starts and fresh chances. For instance, when you cut off a negative friend, coworker, partner, or family member, you start to look for ways to move on, to heal, and to feel less depressed because that stuff hurts and I always say that only people you allow close to your heart and soul can hurt you; I'm not talking about physical "Hurt," here.
Strangers would mistreat us, yet we would eventually let it go. Why? It's simple to brush it aside after a little while since that person doesn't mean anything to us; however, if that hurt comes from a close friend, family member, or spouse, it feels like a spear to the heart.


Self-Love Is Not Selfish: How I Spent My Valentine's Day 2023.

Valentines...Ah! The day so many people feel on edge, the anxiety attack, the sense of entitlement, the wishful thinking (he should propose today), the day most people build up all their hopes and dreams on an individual to make all their dreams come true, or- maybe it's just a day like any other day you should show love to yourself, but on that particular date you can feel free to go overboard for yourself, or those around you, but you should never feel pressured to do anything you can't.

Did that make sense? ... Please read on for more details and please don't forget to follow me on Instagram if you like my content.
Self-Love Is Not Selfish: How I Spent My Valentine's Day 2023.

Happy New Year : New Year, Same Energy, New Goals + 13 Quotes To Live By In 2023.

As you look forward to leaving certain memories of 2022 behind and entering 2023, take inspiration and hope with you so that you can start afresh and complete the things you started but did not complete last year. I truly hope you are able to navigate this year easily without letting anything or anyone hold you back. When a new year comes along we often hear the saying -"New year, New Me" lol but most of the time many of us end up doing the same things we do over and over again, but if you were able to re-brand and own your energy last year then this year might just be a tad bit easy for you to navigate through.
In this post, I will share some of my favorite quotes that help keep me sane. 

Merry Christmas: Wonderful Tips On How To Stay Happy During The Festive Season.

 ðŸŽ„⛄Christmas is not just about what's under the tree, it's about who's gathered around it, The way you spend your Christmas is far more important than how much you spent getting ready for it, Some people could spend a fortune and still be so moody and unhappy on that day, It's all down to the vibe and energy around you on that day that's why I say Christmas is not a season, It's a Feeling.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead.
Merry Christmas from Linda Bella

Lifestyle : How To Zen Up Your Home Effortlessly.

So I know we all have an eye for beautiful things and filling up our homes and spaces with lovely objects and decor items but while doing this try not to be a "Hoarder", when you have a home filled with things you don't need and it's all claustrophobic, you would struggle to achieve the "Zen" feeling, this post will teach you how to create an airy, positive Zen space/feeling around your home, home office, workspace and environment effortlessly using beautiful decors, crystals & Gemstones.

Lifestyle: Reasons Why Protecting Your Energy And Aura Is Very Crucial.

There is so much negativity going on and it becomes draining because while dealing with these happenings in the world you also have to deal with people I like to call "Energy Vampires".
Who are Energy Vampires?
Energy vampires are emotionally immature individuals who have the sense that the whole world revolves around them. They are almost incapable of seeing things from another person's perspective. They often lack empathy, they drain the life out of you and leave you feeling like an empty shell afterwards.

Lifestyle: 5 Tips On Ways To Stay Happy And Healthy.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”
– Buddha
Hope you are all well? I know you are doing all you can to stay sane, happy and positive even though it can be so hard especially during hard times, give yourself a pat in the back for all you are doing no matter how small because it is not easy especially with all the sadness and negative energies in the world today, I recently lost a very good friend/sister of over 10 years, she passed away so suddenly and it was a huge blow to my chest, however, I have to try to be strong and positive.

Look Lavish and Lush In Ristetto Glasses By Danish Eye Wear Brand Christopher Cloos x Elsa Hosk - Malibu Collection.

Radiant and opulent, the Cloos x Elsa eyewear collections are destined to dazzle this summer.
I am loving the Cloos x Elsa collection because of the finishing detail, rather than just practical pieces, their eyewear gives you an opportunity to extend your style and personality.

Life Lessons: Knowing When To Give The Gift Of Your Absence To Those That Don't Appreciate Your Presence.

I was looking back on some of my old topics and I found a comment someone left that resonated with an experience I have had and I'd like to share some tips and advice with you all today in hope that it helps you deal with whatever situation you are faced with in relation to toxic friendships and relationships, or just that general feeling of depression due to your connection with a person or a particular situation that has left you feeling rejected or ignored.

My Favorite Motivational Quotes On Living Your Best Life and Letting Nothing Hold You Back.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we all desire to live a happy, positive and fulfilling life. We live in the age of social media and a highly digitized world, which can make you feel that you lack or have lost touch with the things or people that make you happy, but that's okay because you are not alone in this feeling.

Lifestyle: How To Make A Healthy Homemade Seafood Salad Quickly.

This simple but totally flavorful Seafood salad makes the perfect meal-prep meal for lunch or dinner thanks to pan-seared citrus and Chilli-flavored Prawns, creamy avocado, and a mixture of other veggies.

Lifestyle: Happy Mother's Day To All The Queens Out There.

Okay, so I am not your typical girl with the same mindset as everyone else, the way I reason is bespoke and weirdly awesome. When I say Happy Mother's Day to all the Queens I am directing it at all the women in the world, whether they have kids or not.