Interior Design: Always Try To Add Magical Touches To Your Bedroom. #interiordesign #homedecor


Quick and Easy Tips On How To Take Aesthetically Pleasing Instagram Photos.

I know many of you have been there, and you have often wondered when you see those aesthetically pleasing images while scrolling through your feed, you'd stop and think to yourself -How did she do it? did she hire a photographer? is she using the same phone as Doctor Strange or Aqua Man? is she using some kind of magical technique or equipment to angle her camera?. I have a simple answer for you and that's NO!. A few people have asked me in the past how and what app I use in taking photos, some wonder what kind of latest phone is she using? lol. 

The secret is simple - VISION (With a hint of patience, creative planning, and DAYLIGHT) and a Simple android phone.

Lifestyle: The Magical Benefits of Using Lavender.

I am back again my darlings, with a little post about "Lavender" and its magical uses. It's no secret that I love experimenting with enchanted plants and essential oils, as well as engaging in magical rituals that bring happiness into my life.
The Magical Benefits of Using Lavender.

Lifestyle : A Little Tip On How To Appreciate The Gift Of Life.

I want to start by saying thank you for your encouraging emails and words always. Being spiritual is who I am, and remember that we are all spiritual beings going through a human experience. Many of you allow the stress and hardships of everyday life to drag you down, but I'm here to tell you to *PICK YOURSELF UP* and be brave, strong, and fearless. Never let someone else's version of you be your representation of yourself.
How To Appreciate The Gift Of Life.

Valentine's Day: The Meaning of The L Word and Why it's important to Practice Self-Love.

As Valentine's Day approaches I see more and more posts on social media almost putting pressure on the majority, posts that make many feel like they are lacking just because they do not have a significant other, then the dreaded peer pressure sets in, and the need to feel normal, the need to impress friends by being who they want you to be, the need to be perfect, the need to belong- well call me boring but all that is "superficial", as long as you have love living in your heart, your flesh, your bone, you are rich and lucky.
The Meaning of The L Word and Why it's important to Practice Self-Love.

Interior Styling: Zen Up Your Home Office Using Feng Shui.

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Working from home has numerous advantages, including being able to organize your own time and staying close to your family. However, it also comes with a set of challenges, one of which is undoubtedly organizing your home office in a way that encourages productivity. The idea that the environment affects our mood, focus and performance is not something new. We can trace back its origins to the ancient philosophy of Feng Shui, which has the goal of harmonizing individuals with their surroundings. Here are a few ideas you can steal from this practice to get some much-needed Zen into your home office.

5 Ways To Inspire and Love Yourself Unconditionally This Year.

The simplest method to inspire yourself and alter specific outcomes in your life is to "Unlearn" certain routines and beliefs you previously believed to be beneficial to you in favour of discovering fresh strategies for attracting beneficial outcomes.

I began this year with an attitude, and I'm making sure I keep to it since it's already working. I know we can't control or foresee everything that happens in our life, but we can try to manage how we react to these occurrences and convert a negative circumstance into something great.

Happy New Year 2024: Let's Kickstart This Year With Some Positive Vibes.

I can not deny that 2023 was not a smooth trip , I am however glad to see we all made it through. Many people I know lost someone last year, 2023 was filled with a lot of ups and downs and I am not saying 2024 will be kumbaya all the way through because life doesn't work like that, I am however saying that we should take each day as it comes, be grateful for the experiences (good and bad), to try and infuse more positive energy into what we do, to find pleasure in spreading love and not hate, greed or malice.
Let's Kickstart This Year With Some Positive Vibes.

Christmas: How to Make the Most of the Holiday Season.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers for their patience, tips, and suggestions, and I promise to try to write more frequently in the future.
How to Make the Most of the Holiday Season.

Life Lessons : Everyone You Meet Has Something To Teach You- Learn From It. #Inspiration #Motivation #selflove

There is a purpose for everything that happens to you and especially when it comes to everyone you meet. Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the best in you, others will abuse you but everything we face is another priceless experience which takes place for us to learn and grow from and everyone will teach you something about yourself, something  you never knew or fail to accept & recognise. As a spiritual person, i practice the teachings of Buddha and I believe each experience we go through with individuals we meet is actually a blessing and has only happened for you to learn the most valuable lessons and each being specific to you and necessary for your personal growth and development. Each prepare you for the next chapter of your journey with every teaching you take another incredible step towards expanding your consciousness.

Beauty Chat 101: Your Skin Is An Investment Not An Expense.| Erborian Ginseng Infusion.

Self-care starts with skincare. Don't believe me? Let me give you a little example below.
So you know how I am always all about self-love, selfless acts of love, breathing in positivity, exhaling negativity, and all that, well while doing all that I realized I needed to pay attention to the language my skin was speaking and she was speaking "STRESS". Stress has a huge impact on our skin, it's something that cannot be avoided, as much as you want to be kumbaya! Life and its daily activities will have your skin screaming in different languages. I very recently decided while doing meditation, breathing exercises, working out and etc, I needed to pay extra attention to my skincare regimen as well as my health.
Before you read further please note that this is NOT an AD, it's my personal opinion about these products, and also included in this post is an authentic review from our lifestyle editor Melissa which I will share later in this post.
Erborian Ginseng Infusion Beauty Products
Erborian Ginseng Infusion