Life Lessons : Everyone You Meet Has Something To Teach You- Learn From It. #Inspiration #Motivation #selflove

There is a purpose for everything that happens to you and especially when it comes to everyone you meet. Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the best in you, others will abuse you but everything we face is another priceless experience which takes place for us to learn and grow from and everyone will teach you something about yourself, something  you never knew or fail to accept & recognise. As a spiritual person, i practice the teachings of Buddha and I believe each experience we go through with individuals we meet is actually a blessing and has only happened for you to learn the most valuable lessons and each being specific to you and necessary for your personal growth and development. Each prepare you for the next chapter of your journey with every teaching you take another incredible step towards expanding your consciousness.

5 Ways To Inspire and Love Yourself Unconditionally This Year.

The simplest method to inspire yourself and alter specific outcomes in your life is to "Unlearn" certain routines and beliefs you previously believed to be beneficial to you in favour of discovering fresh strategies for attracting beneficial outcomes.

I began this year with an attitude, and I'm making sure I keep to it since it's already working. I know we can't control or foresee everything that happens in our life, but we can try to manage how we react to these occurrences and convert a negative circumstance into something great.

Learning the art of Fall cocooning: How To Slow Down and Appreciate The Simplicity Of Life.

 What is life? Shouldn't life be so easy and simple? why do we spend time complicating it for ourselves and each other? Why can't we all just get along, and spread more love and less hate in the world? These are the kinds of questions I ask myself daily, and each day I come up with different answers and definitions of what I think or feel life should be or look like. To me, life is a song, a beautiful song that soothes the soul yet it tests us every single day.
Learning the art of Fall cocooning: How To Slow Down and Appreciate The Simplicity Of Life.
Spend time reading some of your favorite magical books this autumn 

Self-Love Is Not Selfish: How I Spent My Valentine's Day 2023.

Valentines...Ah! The day so many people feel on edge, the anxiety attack, the sense of entitlement, the wishful thinking (he should propose today), the day most people build up all their hopes and dreams on an individual to make all their dreams come true, or- maybe it's just a day like any other day you should show love to yourself, but on that particular date you can feel free to go overboard for yourself, or those around you, but you should never feel pressured to do anything you can't.

Did that make sense? ... Please read on for more details and please don't forget to follow me on Instagram if you like my content.
Self-Love Is Not Selfish: How I Spent My Valentine's Day 2023.

Happy New Year : New Year, Same Energy, New Goals + 13 Quotes To Live By In 2023.

As you look forward to leaving certain memories of 2022 behind and entering 2023, take inspiration and hope with you so that you can start afresh and complete the things you started but did not complete last year. I truly hope you are able to navigate this year easily without letting anything or anyone hold you back. When a new year comes along we often hear the saying -"New year, New Me" lol but most of the time many of us end up doing the same things we do over and over again, but if you were able to re-brand and own your energy last year then this year might just be a tad bit easy for you to navigate through.
In this post, I will share some of my favorite quotes that help keep me sane. 

Lifestyle: 5 Tips On Ways To Stay Happy And Healthy.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”
– Buddha
Hope you are all well? I know you are doing all you can to stay sane, happy and positive even though it can be so hard especially during hard times, give yourself a pat in the back for all you are doing no matter how small because it is not easy especially with all the sadness and negative energies in the world today, I recently lost a very good friend/sister of over 10 years, she passed away so suddenly and it was a huge blow to my chest, however, I have to try to be strong and positive.

Life Lessons: Knowing When To Give The Gift Of Your Absence To Those That Don't Appreciate Your Presence.

I was looking back on some of my old topics and I found a comment someone left that resonated with an experience I have had and I'd like to share some tips and advice with you all today in hope that it helps you deal with whatever situation you are faced with in relation to toxic friendships and relationships, or just that general feeling of depression due to your connection with a person or a particular situation that has left you feeling rejected or ignored.

My Favorite Motivational Quotes On Living Your Best Life and Letting Nothing Hold You Back.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we all desire to live a happy, positive and fulfilling life. We live in the age of social media and a highly digitized world, which can make you feel that you lack or have lost touch with the things or people that make you happy, but that's okay because you are not alone in this feeling.

Lifestyle: New Year, New Beginnings, New You. What's Your New Year Resolution?

 Happy New Year Everyone, Wishing you all love, joy, and happiness this new year. I know we hear this word a lot "New Year, New Me, New Beginnings" and it sounds so cliche, because many people say stuff like that and still remain the same, sadly we can't blame them because some people find it difficult to break a cycle. However, we must always strive to be better than we were yesterday and seek ways to improve to be able to do better and be better.

Lifestyle: What This World Needs Is More People Spreading Love And Not Hate. #SayNoToRacism

 I am sure many of you are aware of the ongoing situation in the world today and no I am not talking about COVID, I am talking about the ongoing "Racial Discrimination" and people thinking this race is better than that race, Newsflash people there is only One Race and that's the "Human Race". This whole racial discrimination topic is always a very sensitive one for me because I have personally experienced it first hand so I can relate ( Imagine going to an organisation for help and you are told- We don't normally help women your type, and I thought she meant single mothers like myself, but Lo and Behold I was corrected when she said No - Your ethnicity, Black Women) because I was in dire need of help I did not grumble or complain I took every insult that came my way. I have also experienced such treatment from my fellow ethnic group so this post is not about what ethnicity is better than the other, it's about respect for eachother and spreading love instead of hate. 

Fastwording on to 21st century I did not let my past experiences turn me bitter against any ethnicity in fact, every experience I have been through made me stronger, It made me want to spread more love than hate, It made me want to do more if I can and that's what happens when you are able to forgive and free your heart and mind of hate.
At a time when it's evident that change is necessary to address the racial injustice that currently prevails in the world today, we have to constantly fill our minds with empowering and positive things.
That is why we all have to commit ourselves to be actively anti-racist in our attitudes and our behaviours. Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world even with a simple act like spreading awareness.
We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness, Instead, we should look forward to the time when the power to love will replace the love of power. Only then will our world know the blessings of peace. The issue with our world today is that people are blinded by their skin tone, the shell, the surface, the outlook that they forget to look inward and see we are all the same, we all bleed red, have the same skeletal colour, in the end, we all end up the same way, no one gets out of this world "Alive". It really upset me when I started seeing posts lately that featured attacks on the "Asian Community" blaming them for the Virus? Discriminating them for the way they Look?  Don't even get me started on the words and sort of languages used on them, that really goes to show that this world needs deep cleansing and healing. The virus today is "Hate", once people can stand up against Racism and spreading hateful vibes and negativity, this world will slowly begin to heal.
During times of Major crises, people’s concern for personal safety increases and we tend to experience heightened anxiety. One effect of this heightened anxiety is that it can intensify bias and discrimination. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis many individuals, particularly those from East Asian backgrounds, they experienced more of racism and xenophobia. East Asian individuals have been unfairly targeted for discrimination and it really saddens me, this issue seems to be getting worse around the world now, On social media, I have seen gruesome videos showing the elderly Asians get pushed and shoved, This is not about whose community deserves more attention than the other as that is what I have observed lately, this post is about telling each and every one of you that all our lives matter, no one deserves to be treated poorly, No one should have the right to take another human's life if you can't create one.
According to "ADAA.ORG" - Historical and present contexts place individuals from East Asian backgrounds at greater risk of discrimination. Presently, Asian individuals have been unfairly targeted by being accused of having COVID-19 when expressing normal, non-illness related coughing or sneezing and when demonstrating symptoms of a common cold or seasonal flu. In addition, East Asian individuals have been more likely to experience negative consequences of showing symptoms, such as “victim-blaming” and accusing the culture as the reason for the disease, experiencing racialized violence when showing symptoms, such as slurs or glares, and being removed from public spaces (e.g., asking them to leave classrooms, workplaces).
I would ask each and everyone one of you reading this to take a moment, take a step back and really Look- See what is going on in the world, researched healthily trust me it's easy to get drawn in and overwhelmed while reading and watching any triggering video. I know I can't single-handedly change the world but if by putting this out there it somehow educates someone, then that is enough for me.
Remember we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, let's learn to spread more love and affection, Kindness is free so be generous with it, be kind with your words as you do not know what battle the next person is fighting. 
Sending you all brightest blessings and good vibes always.

Daily Motivation : Learn How To Keep Negative Minds And People Away From Your Positive Zone. #inspiration #qotd

Hey Lovelies,
I am sorry this post is long overdue, I have read your lovely emails and I appreciate all the tips and support, but I will shed light on the topic a little bit and when I am back I will go more into it.

Thursday Motivation: 5 Ways to Get the Creativity Flowing. #Creativity #Inspiration

We’ve become so overwhelmed by everyday worries and duties that we’ve neglected the artists within us. No longer do we take time to simply express ourselves in a creative way, give substance to our ideas and let our creative juices flow. Even when we do think about taking up an activity that will help us express ourselves creatively, we don’t know where to start or we give up after the first obstacle, feeling discouraged. Yet, we fail to realise that we’re surrounded with opportunities for becoming more creative individuals. Thus, if you’ve been searching for a creative output for some time, here are several ideas that can spark your creativity.

Be mindful of the present

Before diving into the creative tides, you should slow down and become more mindful of the present moment. Expressing yourself creatively requires you to fully experience the present moment. You need to focus on the here and now and connect with your environment and your inner self. Not only will this enable you to experience life more fully, but it will also help you find inspiration around you and within you, discover new thoughts and ideas and commit to what you’re doing. Otherwise, you’ll remain trapped in your own mind and burdened with worries and concerns. 

Discover what suits you

No one is good at everything, so you need to take some time and discover which type of creative activity will suit your personality. It’s important that you find something that truly inspires and fulfils you. When exploring yourself, you should think outside the box and not shy away from the unconventional. If you don’t really see yourself playing an instrument or becoming a painter, you can find inspiration in other, seemingly ordinary activities, such as cooking. In fact, cooking can really boost your creativity by helping you become more mindful and discover your own creative process. What starts as following the recipes ends up as improvisation, experiment and following your intuition. 

Surround yourself with creative people

 By connecting with other creative individuals, not only will you get constructive feedback, but you also may discover things from a different perspective. You can share ideas, overcome creative obstacles and motivate each other. Furthermore, this will also provide you with a healthy dose of competition, inspire you to improve yourself and get out of your comfort zone. For example, if you’ve decided to take a creative approach to cooking, you can organise a dinner party for your friends, get together and develop the skills of a renowned expert for mixology in NYC to spice things up. You can craft cocktails, prepare finger foods and involve all of your senses, which will truly enhance your creative thinking. If you’ve decided to take up painting, you and your friends should involve your hands more and try different crafts. 

Immerse yourself in art

Even if you decide to go with a specific form of art or activity, it’s important that you expand your field of interests and find beauty in other artistic genres. You can listen to new music genres, visit museums or browse the Internet for artsy blogs and websites. This will open up new horizons to you and affect your own creativity. Perhaps you’ll find a new way to express old ideas or give a new dimension to your own work. If you’re a painter, you may get inspired to change your style. If you’re an artsy cook, this may inspire different themes for your meals and cocktails. Inspiration is everywhere, so make sure to keep your eyes and mind open. 

Be persistent

Finding your inspiration and the appropriate medium takes time. You may start off with a bang and then hit a wall after a while or you might struggle at first. The important thing is to stay focused on your goal and be patient. It may take some time before you feel satisfied with your work. However, the truth is that the result isn’t even that important. What matters is the process and your personal expression, so make sure to enjoy it.
Finding your creative output will help you wake up your inner artist and truly enrich your life.

Olivia Jones
Olivia Still is a professional life coach from Sydney, Australia, full-time blogger, and fitness enthusiast with a great interest in yoga and meditation. In addition to that, she is a proud parent of one extremely cute toddler and enjoys traveling and Marvel movies.
Currently, she is trying to get more in touch with her feminine side and explore the world of fashion, as well as to expand her business in an online form as a personal coach.