Lifestyle : Inspirational Daily Habits of Successful Women

Aiming to the top is never easy, especially when you have plenty of other important lifestyle aspects to deal with like women usually do. Juggling career and family life together with socializing and proper self-care seem almost impossible to do successfully. But there are still plenty of ladies that work hard in order to show us that everything can be achieved with healthy habits and consistency.

Lifestyle: New Year, New Beginnings, New You. What's Your New Year Resolution?

 Happy New Year Everyone, Wishing you all love, joy, and happiness this new year. I know we hear this word a lot "New Year, New Me, New Beginnings" and it sounds so cliche, because many people say stuff like that and still remain the same, sadly we can't blame them because some people find it difficult to break a cycle. However, we must always strive to be better than we were yesterday and seek ways to improve to be able to do better and be better.