Lifestyle Tips : Things I Do To Keep My Self Mentally And Spiritually Balanced During These Dark Times.

I know a lot of people enjoy Meditation, but after doing further research I realized that some people don't enjoy it, Some feel it's too long a process, and some actually find it boring.
Here is what I think- At first when I started meditating I hated it. It took so long to finish, listening to the Guided Meditation got so boring I Stopped and tried other things. I then returned to the basic things I do like, Playing with my Crystals, Burning sage to get rid of negative energy around my surroundings and myself, I enjoy using my Cards and Dice but I still felt drawn to the idea of mastering the Act of Meditation, I tried it again and slowly started liking it, or maybe I liked the voice of the speaker in the Guided Meditation, It was so soothing he put me to sleep so quickly, Since then I have not stopped Meditating. Another good thing about it is this- there’s research suggesting that the practice of meditation may reduce:

Daily Motivation : Learn How To Keep Negative Minds And People Away From Your Positive Zone. #inspiration #qotd

Hey Lovelies,
I am sorry this post is long overdue, I have read your lovely emails and I appreciate all the tips and support, but I will shed light on the topic a little bit and when I am back I will go more into it.

Lifestyle And Relationships : How Important Is Consistency In Our Daily Lives And Relationships?

Many who know me are very aware I am a true "Capricorn Female" and also a true believer in the word "Consistency", I always tell people - if you begin an adventure or a journey a certain way, stick to it, the minute you relax and divert from your course things will go crazy, and as we have seen in the world today many friendships, relationships, business partnerships have gone down the drain due to lack of consistency and also the influence of Social Media and Ideal Gossip.


Wednesday Motivation- Stop Apologizing For Your Emotions. #selflove #love

Sometimes it’s hard to admit what you’re feeling. You feel like you shouldn’t be upset when you are, or you get really super excited over the little things in life that make you smile. And no one seems to understand why you feel the way you do, But like I always advise people do not apologize for feeling the way you do.
 Always say what you mean and mean what you say. Express how you feel and don't ever apologize for being real, i always say in life you will realize that people will love the idea of you but with lack the maturity to handle the reality of you. No matter how hard you try, you can never please everyone. Follow your heart, make the most of every day, and be proud of who you are. Everyday I learn new things in life, I am so grateful to the universe for taking me through different difficult paths in life, i have had to learn the act of "forgiveness" and sending out good vibes and energies , I have learnt to never feel the need to put my emotions aside to please anyone and even though it does backfire as you will come across people in this life who never like to hear the truth , still never apologize for your emotions, remember you are magic , people will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you, But how strong you stand is what makes you.

Self-Love - Why Loving Yourself Is Very Important - Here Are Ways To Practice Self Love. #selflove

Being kind to yourself helps you bounce back, live healthier, and stay on track.
Self-compassion and Self-Love is a way of relating to yourself that does not involve harshly judging or punishing yourself for every mistake you make, or every time someone does better than you.

“Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness, concern, and support you’d show to a good friend. When faced with difficult life struggles, or confronting personal mistakes, failures, and inadequacies, self-compassion responds with kindness rather than harsh self-judgment, recognizing that imperfection is part of the shared human experience.” (Neff & Dahm, 2015)

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Adopt a mindful attitude in which you deliberately pay attention to your inner experience so that you can notice when you are beginning to shift into a negative state. The minute you realize that you are thinking negative thoughts about yourself or feeling anxiety in your body, stop and say to yourself, "This is a difficult moment," or, "I’m feeling distressed in my mind and body.” Trust me, people, I have experienced this time and time again to the point I blamed myself for failing for letting people into my mind and making me feel weak and helpless but I had to tell myself "NEVER AGAIN", once you notice you no longer do the things you love doing, once you notice you are beginning to become a stranger to yourself, once you notice you let go of your inner desires and needs for greatness just to please others then it is time to "Let Go" and start doing things for yourself, stand in front of that Bespoke Mirror and say 
" I am Beautiful"
"I am Strong"
"I am Good Enough"
"I am who I want to be"
Practice daily affirmations. Our thoughts precede our emotions and behaviors.
*Recite mantras that encourage self-compassion. Bring your attention to being good to yourself.
*Journal your strengths and everything about you for which you are grateful. Document everything you accomplish, feel good about, do right, like about yourself, etc.
*Keep your self-talk positive. Turn down the volume of your inner critic and choose to be your best coach or cheerleader.

Smile, Laugh, Love, Be The Happiest Version Of Yourself, Let Go Of Pain, Of Hurt " Of Sadness, Let Go Of That Grudge you are holding onto as it will only bring you bitterness, Choose to be Happy and the rest will fall into place

*Set aside time for daily mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation. These devotions will help you connect with your highest self.
*Make time for leisure and hobbies. Time for play and enjoyment is an important aspect of celebrating the gift of life.
*Prioritize sleep and exercise. You must reboot and revitalize your physical being.

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Quotes Of The Day - Kick Start Your Day With These Inspirational Quotes And Sayings.#qotd #quotes #memes

I am a Multi-Skilled Being and I derive pleasure in putting smiles on people's faces and also using my skills to inspire others, I hope you learn a thing or two from these quotes and Sayings, Start your day right and positive, Stop Bringing negative energy from your past into your present Life, and you wonder why things are not working out for you? Yet you spend your time investing your energy on Hate, Malice, Grudges and Petty things, Change Up Your life today by doing things different, If there is a certain person in your life that makes you feel stagnant, someone who dwells on Back talks and negativity, you have got to show them the door because it is time to invest in positive things..

Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness, strive to be the best version of yourself, you can achieve anything as long as you put your mind to it if you try and you fall, get up and try- try again.... 


Motivational Chat : Learn To Ignore Many Things In Life If You Truly Want Happiness. #qotd #wisequotes

Focus On Yourself in life, because the easiest way to a miserable life is to think that everybody is talking about you.
Never allow anyone to steal your joy from you. What people say behind your back is none of your business as long as you are true to yourself. Never worry yourself about that.
Sometimes minding your own business does not keep people out of your business. No matter your situation in life people will always talk. You can never stop people from talking about you, what you can do is to stop giving them what to talk about.
There is a time limit for every rumor in life. Never allow freelance broadcasters put your life on hold. Do what makes you happy. Anyone who cannot feel your pain has no right to judge you in life. Seventy percent of those who talk bad about you behind your back, wish to be like you. When people can't be like you they try to bring you down and condemn what you have. Those without money will sarcastically say money is not everything in life. Never allow anyone to put you in a position of depression and self-pity in life. Those whose life has no joy will always find every means to remove happiness from other people's life. 

 If there is the GRACE of GOD in your life, then enemies are inevitable. If no one has ever gossiped or talked bad about you, it means nothing good has ever happened to you. 
Never feel bad when old friends become new enemies. They are just tired of pretending to be friends.Never allow the opinions of people who didn't see your tears stop your laughter in life. You don't owe anybody an explanation to be happy. Never see yourself through the eyes of those who don't value you.To be beautiful means to be yourself. To stand out is to be outstanding. You do not need to be accepted by others. You just need to accept yourself.

Never beg anyone to accept you for who you are. Anything you acquire through begging will require begging to maintain or retain. Be humble but selective. Being selective doesn't mean you are arrogant or proud. It simply means you know your worth. If you are conscious of your personality avoid too much familiarity. Sometimes when you treat people too much like celebrities, they end up treating you like an ordinary person. You are equally important.
Never downgrade yourself while trying to upgrade anybody in life. Anyone who sees you like an option doesn't deserve to be a priority in your life. The dream of a fool is for everybody to become a bloody fool like himself.  Avoid negative people if you have a dream. Those without mission will say your vision is just an illusion.
Negative minds will never give you a positive life. Anyone who is always reminding you about what is wrong with you has a personal problem which he/she wants to take out on you. 
Most people spend half of their entire life analysing the faults in other people's lives, when their own lives need urgent repairs.Never worry yourself about enemies and friends, because everybody in your life will eventually fall into one of the two categories. Some will hate you and some will love you. Loving you or hating you are both in your favor. When people love you, you live peacefully and happily in their hearts,  and when people hate you, you become the landlord in their head living painfully in their brain every day and giving them sleepless nights.

 Try and live your life and do the things that make you happy this week, ignore negative people because they will never change, you focus on what matters most in life, Sending you all positive Vibes and Energy. Have a Lovely Week.

LBella Quote Of The Day : Being Yourself Is The Prettiest Thing Anyone Can Be. #qotd #selflove #quoteoftheday

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life, To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.

One of my favourite sayings is " Don't Stop dreaming Because You Had A Nightmare", Many of us give up on our goals and dreams because negative people got to us, told us we couldn't do it, told us we need them in order to grow in life, but I say "NO", the only person you need is YOU, you need to find your strength and passion, chase it and Chase it Hard, when I look back on my journey in life I shed a tear (Not Because I am sad) but because I am an overcomer and I will keep pushing, Using my Skills and Abilities to help inspire others. Dear Reader- Do not stop when you are tired - Stop when you are DONE.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared so always meet everyone with a smile and start your day with a positive attitude. Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase our good deeds, Always strive to do good in life no matter what, Never give to Receive, give and good things will return to you, Remember The mind is everything. What you think you become.


Motivational Chat - Be A Queen And Own Your Crown. #qotd #Motivation #Inspiration

Ladies, you are beautiful, never let anyone tell you differently, I have read a lot of emails from amazing women wanting to know how they can stand firm in the face of adversaries, and I say to you sister, hold your ground. Never let anyone dull your shine if you find your self in a negative relationship or friendship do yourself a favor and get out because if you take the risk and stay you will only do more harm to your self. I always tell people to stop trying to re-colour someone that has shown you their true colours "A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots", you are a Unique being, so hold your head up high and strut like a queen who knows she owns her Crown, Spread love and happiness in life, and always wear a smile no matter what you have been through know that the Universe will never give you a problem you can not handle. I have come across different kinds of people in this life, many tried and did succeed in taking advantage of my kindness and good heart, but every heartbreak and disappointment is actually a blessing, so fellow queens I learnt to forgive quickly and let go of whatever pain is in the past, why waste my energy on been angry "Anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die" , it's meaningless to hold on to grudges, Karma is real, so if someone ever did you wrong, leave them to the Laws of the Universe, leave them to Karma and move one, focus on your dreams and goals, use the Law of attraction to draw whatever energy you desire but try to make it positive, because whatever energy you put out to the universe will come back in three folds.

Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness, strive to be the best version of yourself, you can achieve anything as long as you put your mind to it if you try and you fall, get up and try- try again....