Beauty Talk : I have fallen In Love With Monat's REJUVENIQE® Oil Intensive, Find Out Why Below.

Do something today so your skin and hair thanks you tomorrow, with everything going on in the world today it can put some strain on your skin and hair. So Invest in your skin because it's going to represent you for a very long time, Taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up and the same thing applies to Hair. That's why today I will be doing a little write up about Monat's Rejuveniqe Oil Intensive.

Lifestyle: How To Kick Start Your Day Right.

 Lately, it is becoming a daily struggle for many to get out of bed and start the day, the energy in the world is enough to leave you feeling drained and lethargic. The way we start our day can strongly influence how the rest of the day goes. In this short post, I will be sharing a few ways to kickstart your day. When you feel groggy in the morning, don’t rush to get out of bed. Open the windows, take a second to sit in silence, be grateful to the universe and God for the grace to see a brand new day, and observe your surroundings. Don’t reach for your phone to check emails or social media. Keep electronics in another room or on flight mode and get an alarm clock to wake you up instead. Take care of your own well-being first. The world can wait trust me.

Wake Up Early : 

Many of us wake up feeling groggy and grumpy lol, Avoiding the temptation of going back to sleep only to end up- waking up even groggier than before-is something we all should make more effort in doing. The best way is to wake up early and give yourself enough time to help you feel more in control of your time and day rather than rushing around feeling pressed for time. I personally love my sleep but giving yourself a little extra time and start your day in a relaxed and positive way really sets the tone for the day. Lastly, When you get up - Make Your Bed!! It does something to the mind and body seeing a well made/clean bed.

Meditation activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which leaves you with a deep sense of relaxation. That means that even if you only got six hours of sleep last night, the energy-inducing endorphins brought on by meditation can give you the boost you need to take on the day. Meditation is a really simple and effective way to start your day well. If you haven’t meditated before, just carve out five to ten minutes from your day and sit quietly. Some people leave their eyes open. I prefer closing mine to shut out distractions and enjoy the present. There are a lot of amazing guided meditation videos on YouTube, find the one that best suits you.
Have a Good Breakfast
A good breakfast is always a great way to start your day. Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day and for good reason; it provides the energy we need to start the day and also provides us with essential vitamins and minerals. The more fruits and vegetables an individual eats in a day, the happier, more creative, and more engaged they tend to be. Know that if you eat little to no breakfast, you’ll be hungry all morning and it’s difficult to concentrate when you’re not feeling at your best.
We all know that exercise is good for you, whether you work out at work or during personal hours. Exercise increases the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that decrease the risk of depression and improve your mood and long-term memory, respectively. Exercising in the morning forces you to wake up earlier, gives you a totally natural mood-booster, and increases your energy. Find time to work out even if it's only for 30Mins, you will not regret it.
Stay Happy
Do something that makes you happy, We do better at work when we’re happy in our personal lives. Remind yourself of your goals Let's face it: No matter how much you love your job, there are days where it's going to feel like you're just slogging through. That's okay, as long as you don't let the bad days slow you down, Fill your mind with positive thoughts, think of that thing you could do when you are home that brings smiles to your face, even if it's watching your favourite movie 100times as long as you are happy, people around you will be.
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Lifestyle: What This World Needs Is More People Spreading Love And Not Hate. #SayNoToRacism

 I am sure many of you are aware of the ongoing situation in the world today and no I am not talking about COVID, I am talking about the ongoing "Racial Discrimination" and people thinking this race is better than that race, Newsflash people there is only One Race and that's the "Human Race". This whole racial discrimination topic is always a very sensitive one for me because I have personally experienced it first hand so I can relate ( Imagine going to an organisation for help and you are told- We don't normally help women your type, and I thought she meant single mothers like myself, but Lo and Behold I was corrected when she said No - Your ethnicity, Black Women) because I was in dire need of help I did not grumble or complain I took every insult that came my way. I have also experienced such treatment from my fellow ethnic group so this post is not about what ethnicity is better than the other, it's about respect for eachother and spreading love instead of hate. 

Fastwording on to 21st century I did not let my past experiences turn me bitter against any ethnicity in fact, every experience I have been through made me stronger, It made me want to spread more love than hate, It made me want to do more if I can and that's what happens when you are able to forgive and free your heart and mind of hate.
At a time when it's evident that change is necessary to address the racial injustice that currently prevails in the world today, we have to constantly fill our minds with empowering and positive things.
That is why we all have to commit ourselves to be actively anti-racist in our attitudes and our behaviours. Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world even with a simple act like spreading awareness.
We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness, Instead, we should look forward to the time when the power to love will replace the love of power. Only then will our world know the blessings of peace. The issue with our world today is that people are blinded by their skin tone, the shell, the surface, the outlook that they forget to look inward and see we are all the same, we all bleed red, have the same skeletal colour, in the end, we all end up the same way, no one gets out of this world "Alive". It really upset me when I started seeing posts lately that featured attacks on the "Asian Community" blaming them for the Virus? Discriminating them for the way they Look?  Don't even get me started on the words and sort of languages used on them, that really goes to show that this world needs deep cleansing and healing. The virus today is "Hate", once people can stand up against Racism and spreading hateful vibes and negativity, this world will slowly begin to heal.
During times of Major crises, people’s concern for personal safety increases and we tend to experience heightened anxiety. One effect of this heightened anxiety is that it can intensify bias and discrimination. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis many individuals, particularly those from East Asian backgrounds, they experienced more of racism and xenophobia. East Asian individuals have been unfairly targeted for discrimination and it really saddens me, this issue seems to be getting worse around the world now, On social media, I have seen gruesome videos showing the elderly Asians get pushed and shoved, This is not about whose community deserves more attention than the other as that is what I have observed lately, this post is about telling each and every one of you that all our lives matter, no one deserves to be treated poorly, No one should have the right to take another human's life if you can't create one.
According to "ADAA.ORG" - Historical and present contexts place individuals from East Asian backgrounds at greater risk of discrimination. Presently, Asian individuals have been unfairly targeted by being accused of having COVID-19 when expressing normal, non-illness related coughing or sneezing and when demonstrating symptoms of a common cold or seasonal flu. In addition, East Asian individuals have been more likely to experience negative consequences of showing symptoms, such as “victim-blaming” and accusing the culture as the reason for the disease, experiencing racialized violence when showing symptoms, such as slurs or glares, and being removed from public spaces (e.g., asking them to leave classrooms, workplaces).
I would ask each and everyone one of you reading this to take a moment, take a step back and really Look- See what is going on in the world, researched healthily trust me it's easy to get drawn in and overwhelmed while reading and watching any triggering video. I know I can't single-handedly change the world but if by putting this out there it somehow educates someone, then that is enough for me.
Remember we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, let's learn to spread more love and affection, Kindness is free so be generous with it, be kind with your words as you do not know what battle the next person is fighting. 
Sending you all brightest blessings and good vibes always.

Lifestyle: How Photography Got Me Through Some Of My Most Stressful Days .

It's been a while guys and I do apologize, thankfully most of you know how hard it is to multitask and juggle so much, but I always say we each have to find a way to cope, no matter what it is you do make sure it's something that keeps you positive, optimistic and ready to seize the day. 
Strange as it may be to some - I have discovered that photography helps me stay calm and distracted.
Photography has been my go-to medication lol, I even decided to give in to my cravings for darker aesthetics and I realised I was enjoying it more and more, every time I set up a little section for photos and take the picture with the darker filter, etc it gave me this satisfaction (Its like watching ASMR videos) that satisfaction you get.

Photography is the story I fail to put into words, In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality. To me, Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever, It remembers the little things, long after you have forgotten everything that is why when taking a photo appreciate and enjoy that moment.
Many people think it's just a simple act when one brings out a camera to take pictures. Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.
Like this lovely quote i love from The Late Karl Lagerfeld - What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”
You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved, the things have seen around you, the feelings you have felt on a deeper level and you bring all that into one photo (That is magic-Trust Me). This is how I cope when it all gets too much and overwhelming, I just whip out my old school camera and take photos of anything that inspires me or has a meaning to me.
No one know tomorrow or how long this pandemic,lockdown and phase will be but if we don't all start finding ways to soothe our minds and anxiety.
This was just meant to be a short post so you all know I am still here, I have not abandoned my readers, it's just I am trying to Mix n Match and Merge other projects together and it's time consuming. 
 Feel free to email me any tips or topics you would like me to talk about - .
Please leave a comment below also ,tell me how you cope during stressful days.


Lifestyle: Ways To Stay Positive And Motivated Daily.

 Being positive means you are choosing to see the bright and beautiful side of things. It means that you can recognize that struggle and pain are not the only things out there, even if they are the only things you can see at the time, It means you are trying to do all within your power/abilities to rise above all negativity.