Happy New Year : New Year, Same Energy, New Goals + 13 Quotes To Live By In 2023.

As you look forward to leaving certain memories of 2022 behind and entering 2023, take inspiration and hope with you so that you can start afresh and complete the things you started but did not complete last year. I truly hope you are able to navigate this year easily without letting anything or anyone hold you back. When a new year comes along we often hear the saying -"New year, New Me" lol but most of the time many of us end up doing the same things we do over and over again, but if you were able to re-brand and own your energy last year then this year might just be a tad bit easy for you to navigate through.
In this post, I will share some of my favorite quotes that help keep me sane. 

Merry Christmas: Wonderful Tips On How To Stay Happy During The Festive Season.

 ðŸŽ„⛄Christmas is not just about what's under the tree, it's about who's gathered around it, The way you spend your Christmas is far more important than how much you spent getting ready for it, Some people could spend a fortune and still be so moody and unhappy on that day, It's all down to the vibe and energy around you on that day that's why I say Christmas is not a season, It's a Feeling.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead.
Merry Christmas from Linda Bella

Lifestyle : How To Zen Up Your Home Effortlessly.

So I know we all have an eye for beautiful things and filling up our homes and spaces with lovely objects and decor items but while doing this try not to be a "Hoarder", when you have a home filled with things you don't need and it's all claustrophobic, you would struggle to achieve the "Zen" feeling, this post will teach you how to create an airy, positive Zen space/feeling around your home, home office, workspace and environment effortlessly using beautiful decors, crystals & Gemstones.

Lifestyle: Reasons Why Protecting Your Energy And Aura Is Very Crucial.

There is so much negativity going on and it becomes draining because while dealing with these happenings in the world you also have to deal with people I like to call "Energy Vampires".
Who are Energy Vampires?
Energy vampires are emotionally immature individuals who have the sense that the whole world revolves around them. They are almost incapable of seeing things from another person's perspective. They often lack empathy, they drain the life out of you and leave you feeling like an empty shell afterwards.