Lifestyle: The Magical Benefits of Using Lavender.

I am back again my darlings, with a little post about "Lavender" and its magical uses. It's no secret that I love experimenting with enchanted plants and essential oils, as well as engaging in magical rituals that bring happiness into my life.
The Magical Benefits of Using Lavender.

Lifestyle : A Little Tip On How To Appreciate The Gift Of Life.

I want to start by saying thank you for your encouraging emails and words always. Being spiritual is who I am, and remember that we are all spiritual beings going through a human experience. Many of you allow the stress and hardships of everyday life to drag you down, but I'm here to tell you to *PICK YOURSELF UP* and be brave, strong, and fearless. Never let someone else's version of you be your representation of yourself.
How To Appreciate The Gift Of Life.

Lifestyle: How I Harness The Full Moon Energy And Use It To Renew Myself.

It's a new month ☺️ Yay!!!... September to me signifies a lot of amazing things, as many of you know, I am very spiritual and love connecting with the Moon 🌝, A full moon just passed and it's always the best time to charge your crystals or mystical items, infusing it with the energy of the Moon.

Valentine's Day: The Meaning of The L Word and Why it's important to Practice Self-Love.

As Valentine's Day approaches I see more and more posts on social media almost putting pressure on the majority, posts that make many feel like they are lacking just because they do not have a significant other, then the dreaded peer pressure sets in, and the need to feel normal, the need to impress friends by being who they want you to be, the need to be perfect, the need to belong- well call me boring but all that is "superficial", as long as you have love living in your heart, your flesh, your bone, you are rich and lucky.
The Meaning of The L Word and Why it's important to Practice Self-Love.