Bedroom Vanity Essentials: Tips On How To Create The Perfect Vanity Vibe In Your Bedroom.

How frequently have you imagined the ideal vanity? You've probably spent a good deal of time in a crowded, disorganized lavatory. You search in vain for your favorite skin cream as your makeup is dispersed all over the place. Why not reward yourself with the ideal vanity space you have always wanted?
Daily Essentials

Lifestyle: How To Kick Start Your Day Right.

 Lately, it is becoming a daily struggle for many to get out of bed and start the day, the energy in the world is enough to leave you feeling drained and lethargic. The way we start our day can strongly influence how the rest of the day goes. In this short post, I will be sharing a few ways to kickstart your day. When you feel groggy in the morning, don’t rush to get out of bed. Open the windows, take a second to sit in silence, be grateful to the universe and God for the grace to see a brand new day, and observe your surroundings. Don’t reach for your phone to check emails or social media. Keep electronics in another room or on flight mode and get an alarm clock to wake you up instead. Take care of your own well-being first. The world can wait trust me.

Wake Up Early : 

Many of us wake up feeling groggy and grumpy lol, Avoiding the temptation of going back to sleep only to end up- waking up even groggier than before-is something we all should make more effort in doing. The best way is to wake up early and give yourself enough time to help you feel more in control of your time and day rather than rushing around feeling pressed for time. I personally love my sleep but giving yourself a little extra time and start your day in a relaxed and positive way really sets the tone for the day. Lastly, When you get up - Make Your Bed!! It does something to the mind and body seeing a well made/clean bed.

Meditation activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which leaves you with a deep sense of relaxation. That means that even if you only got six hours of sleep last night, the energy-inducing endorphins brought on by meditation can give you the boost you need to take on the day. Meditation is a really simple and effective way to start your day well. If you haven’t meditated before, just carve out five to ten minutes from your day and sit quietly. Some people leave their eyes open. I prefer closing mine to shut out distractions and enjoy the present. There are a lot of amazing guided meditation videos on YouTube, find the one that best suits you.
Have a Good Breakfast
A good breakfast is always a great way to start your day. Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day and for good reason; it provides the energy we need to start the day and also provides us with essential vitamins and minerals. The more fruits and vegetables an individual eats in a day, the happier, more creative, and more engaged they tend to be. Know that if you eat little to no breakfast, you’ll be hungry all morning and it’s difficult to concentrate when you’re not feeling at your best.
We all know that exercise is good for you, whether you work out at work or during personal hours. Exercise increases the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that decrease the risk of depression and improve your mood and long-term memory, respectively. Exercising in the morning forces you to wake up earlier, gives you a totally natural mood-booster, and increases your energy. Find time to work out even if it's only for 30Mins, you will not regret it.
Stay Happy
Do something that makes you happy, We do better at work when we’re happy in our personal lives. Remind yourself of your goals Let's face it: No matter how much you love your job, there are days where it's going to feel like you're just slogging through. That's okay, as long as you don't let the bad days slow you down, Fill your mind with positive thoughts, think of that thing you could do when you are home that brings smiles to your face, even if it's watching your favourite movie 100times as long as you are happy, people around you will be.
If you have found this post somewhat helpful or interesting, Feel free to share it with someone you know. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram Here


Beauty : Phytomer's New Face-care Line :Cyfolia Is Giving Me So Much Life.

Taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up. As you all know, I have very sensitive skin and I am always looking for the best and most natural products to try and I have a feeling I have found it. Let me tell you more about PHYTOMER's Organic Skin Care Line- CYFOLIA.


Lifestyle: New Year, New Beginnings, New You. What's Your New Year Resolution?

 Happy New Year Everyone, Wishing you all love, joy, and happiness this new year. I know we hear this word a lot "New Year, New Me, New Beginnings" and it sounds so cliche, because many people say stuff like that and still remain the same, sadly we can't blame them because some people find it difficult to break a cycle. However, we must always strive to be better than we were yesterday and seek ways to improve to be able to do better and be better.

Lifestyle: Maintaining A Healthy And Peaceful Mindset Is Golden During This Period.

How are you all doing? How are you coping? How are you feeling?
It's Okay to feel overwhelmed by it all, It is okay to feel like you are not doing enough, It is okay to feel like the world is on your shoulder, We can't give up now, we have to stay strong and fight this, We have to find a way to still maintain some extent of normality in our everyday life. One thing I know for sure is this - We have to do whatever makes us and the people around us happy.
The best way of achieving that is by keeping your mind, body and soul Peaceful, I will talk about what I have been doing and hopefully, you can share some of your own tips with me below please- "Sharing Is Caring".
🧘🏼‍♀️Start the day with a Positive Affirmation.
Affirmations are positive statements that you should say to yourself in the morning (and in front of a mirror if you can), that can help you to feel motivated and reshape your limiting beliefs. Affirmations are a key factor when using the Law of Attraction and manifesting your dream life!. I am a huge believer of the "Law Of Attraction" whatever energy you put out to the universe comes back, if you put out bad vibes and bad thoughts towards others it will surely come back no matter who you are or how long it takes, you will get your comeuppance, However, if you put out good energy, good vibes towards others, the universe will be good to you and you will be blessed and protected in all you do.
Waking up with positive, infectious energy isn’t as hard as you think. If you’re struggling to make your day a great one, try practising #Gratefulness. It could be the very thought of the rising sun that warms you, the trees that shade you or even the fact that you woke up to see it all one more time.
To fully embrace the beauty of life, tell yourself how wonderful it is. Convince yourself that this day will be one worth smiling for, and watch how your mindset mirrors your positive thinking, I joined few groups,(21 Days Abundance Challenge) which is on Youtube with Deepak Chopra who I love, but these groups help me stay grounded too.
📝Write down your ideas.
“When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools.”~Michael Leboeuf.
whatever the idea may be, no matter how big or small- "Write it down Hun", with everything else going on in life it is easy to forget those ideas that fly by, I have noticed some great ideas come when you are extremely busy and distracted and if you don't make a habit of writing it down you will forget it swiftly.
Play word searches to keep the brain active.
This is a good way to keep the brain active and happy, When we finish a task, like finding words in a word search puzzle, our brains reward us with a surge of dopamine. Keeping this dopamine flowing can keep us motivated in other areas of our lives.
📈Turn failures into lessons. 
Mistakes are inevitable. Not only are they an essential part of being an adult. They are also responsible for some of the most brilliant inventions known to mankind.
When you find yourself facing the occasional slipup and experiencing some failures at work or in your personal life, instead of getting frustrated, let this lift you up taller and help make you a better person. I have made some terrible mistakes and judgment, I learnt from it and it made me a better person. No one is perfect so don't beat yourself up anytime things don't work out your way. It’s the little things in life that bring us joy, but it’s also quite often other little things that push us over the edge. It’s impossible to rule out every sliver of stress present in your life, but how you handle it can make all the difference.
📢Transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk.
Self-talk is your internal dialogue. It’s influenced by your subconscious mind, and it reveals your thoughts, beliefs, questions, and ideas. It can be both negative and positive. It can be encouraging, and it can be distressing. Much of your self-talk depends on your personality. If you’re an optimist, your self-talk may be more hopeful and positive. The opposite is generally true if you tend to be a pessimist, I know daily lifestyle can influence the way we think but if we can lean towards the optimist side of things then the future is bright, I can be hard on myself sometimes but I have been working on stay positive and not sweating the little things.
Focus on the present.
We live in the age of distraction. Yet one of life's sharpest paradoxes is that the brightest future hinges on your ability to pay attention to the present. We spend so much time telling ourselves that we’re not good enough, smart enough, talented enough, or thin enough. We worry so much about things we have no control over, I often see people compare themselves to others wanting to be like them, but if you could take a minute to appreciate the present, the Now, you will begin to see things in a different way. Your mind is not in the past nor is it in the future. It is right here, right now.
👥Find positive friends, mentors and co-workers.
Connect with people that lift you up and not pull you down, connect with people who will support your dreams, ideas and aspirations. Stay away from dream killers, from people who always have a negative opinion or advice, the most painful part is that sometimes such people are the ones we trust, love and hold close to our heart, they can also be the worst advisers. So, surround yourself with those with a similar mindset like you, people who enjoy a good positive conversation, women who love lifting other women up and not putting you down. 
I hope I have been able to mention something you can relate to, Please feel free to leave comments and share the post with others who need to hear such words.
Until next time - Please stay safe and stay home.


Interior Decorating : My DIY Cabinet Project

I love taking time off social media often, especially to detox and spend my time doing things that make me feel good like "Creativity". As we all try to adjust to our new normal we must not forget to take time out to recuperate, we must never let the negativity of the world stop us from doing the things we love.

Lifestyle: Practicing Self-Care Is Very Important Especially During Autumn Season.

We are finally into the ‘Ber’ months of the year (yay). This is my favorite time of the year, starting with September when Autumn begins as September marked the birthday month of some special people I have crossed paths with in life, and now we are in October with Halloween here tomorrow.

Easy Recipe : How to Make a Homemade Pumpkin Spiced Latte Cheesecake.

Hello October! please be good to us...
I adore Fall/Autumn, perhaps because of the pumpkins? maybe Halloween? Or perhaps it's just admiring how the landscape changes with the passing of the seasons. What better way to relax than by spending the evening at home with a well-deserved "cheesecake" that has been given a lovely "pumpkin spice flavour"?
How to Make a Homemade Pumpkin Latte Cheesecake.

Interior Decorating : DIY Projects Can Be Very Therapeutic.

I love taking time off social media often especially to detox and spend my time doing things that make me feel good like "Creativity". As we all try to adjust to our new normal we must not forget to take time out to recuperate, we must never let the negativity of the world stop us from doing the things we love.

Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment, everything you can imagine is real so 'Stay Creative".✂️
So two weeks ago I found a cupboard I put aside in my storage, I remember doing so because it was too plain and you all know I am a human magpie, I decided to dazzle it up with some acrylic decors I had and here is the result below.
I had to get rid of those silver knobs first and wanted something different and bespoke.
Then I fetched my acrylic designs and added to the doors, I also changed the knobs.
And below is the final result, the main purpose for this post is to tell you not to think you can't surround yourself or your home with beautiful things, whatever you can imagine in this life can become a reality (Visualisation is Realisation), so get out those forgotten DIY projects/tools and do something with them today - trust me you will feel good about yourself.


Lifestyle : A Little Tip On How To Appreciate The Gift Of Life.

I want to start by saying thank you for your encouraging emails and words always. Being spiritual is who I am, and remember that we are all spiritual beings going through a human experience. Many of you allow the stress and hardships of everyday life to drag you down, but I'm here to tell you to *PICK YOURSELF UP* and be brave, strong, and fearless. Never let someone else's version of you be your representation of yourself.
How To Appreciate The Gift Of Life.

Valentine's Day: The Meaning of The L Word and Why it's important to Practice Self-Love.

As Valentine's Day approaches I see more and more posts on social media almost putting pressure on the majority, posts that make many feel like they are lacking just because they do not have a significant other, then the dreaded peer pressure sets in, and the need to feel normal, the need to impress friends by being who they want you to be, the need to be perfect, the need to belong- well call me boring but all that is "superficial", as long as you have love living in your heart, your flesh, your bone, you are rich and lucky.
The Meaning of The L Word and Why it's important to Practice Self-Love.